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We publicly share our decisions on applications according to the Responsible Energy Development Act (REDA) and the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice

We publicly share our decisions on applications according to the Responsible Energy Development Act (REDA) and the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice.

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Decisions not found in the listing below can be searched through our Publication of Decision tool. These can be searched based on

  • geographic location,
  • application type or number,
  • company, or
  • date.

For details or supporting documentation related to any of our decisions, use the Integrated Application Registry or the OneStop Application Query Tool.

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Appeal a Decision

Some AER decisions may be appealed. Section 36 of the REDA describes

  • what types of decisions may be appealed to the AER, and
  • who is eligible to file a request for regulatory appeal.

Filing requirements for a regulatory appeal, including form, content, and time limits, are set out in section 30 of the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice.

The regulatory appeal process is explained in sections 30 through 33 of the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice.

NumberApplication NumberCompany NameDescriptionDate Sort ascending
2018 ABAER 0131869537 and 1869547Tykewest Limited

Hearing Cancellation - Applications 1869537 and 1869547

2018 ABAER 0121909281Husky Oil Operations Limited

Regulatory Appeal of Reclamation Certificate 103730

2018 ABAER 011121666Karve Energy Inc.

Application for a Reclamation Certificate for a Well Site Ten Kilometres Northwest of Coronation

2018 ABAER 0101903071, 1903493, 157592, and 157633InPlay Oil Corp

Application for Licences for Two Wells, a Multiwell Oil Satellite, and Two Pipelines

2018 ABAER 0091882385Imperial Oil Resources Limited

Aspen Project  

2018 ABAER 0081903103, 1903104, 1903105, 1903106, 1903107, 1903108, 1882170, 1882172, 1889616, and 1889618Encana Corporation

Application for Eight Well Licences and Two Pipeline Licences

20180716A1872083Imperial Oil Resources Limited

Application for Kearl Mine’s Tailings Management Plan

2018 ABAER 0071866028 and 1866029Husky Oil Operations Limited and Gibson Energy Inc.

Regulatory Appeals of an Environmental Protection Order Issued July 7, 2016

2018 ABAER 006146873 and 1874178Blackspur Oil Corp.

Applications for a Well Licence and a Pipeline Licence

20180613A1871794Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Application for Aurora North Tailings Management Plan