Energy development is a complex process with lots of moving parts. Inevitably, our regulatory decisions should involve many groups of people with diverse perspectives, values, interests, and concerns. While some people and communities are more affected by energy development than others, we understand that they all have a stake in how Alberta’s hydrocarbon resources are developed to ensure that public safety and the environment are protected and that the greatest economic benefits are derived from these resources.
As Alberta’s single energy regulator, we must look at this whole picture through the eyes of our stakeholders. This is where the AER’s Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Committee (MSEAC) comes in.
What is MSEAC?
MSEAC is made up of representatives from environmental nongovernmental organizations, indigenous communities, landowners, community groups, municipalities, and government. Their involvement with MSEAC is completely voluntary. The committee is chaired by AER staff and meets four times a year at our head office in Calgary.
MSEAC ensures that we understand the many values, perspectives, and interests of its stakeholder groups when making regulatory decisions. Stakeholders also provide advice to the AER. Feedback from the committee helps us engage more meaningfully with different stakeholder groups and indigenous communities, but this feedback does not replace the need for formal stakeholder and indigenous engagement.
How do members join?
The AER does not hand-pick the members of MSEAC. Rather, we ask various stakeholder groups and indigenous communities to select and appoint someone from their organization or community to join the committee.
Contact Us
For questions about MSEAC and its work, please contact our Customer Contact Centre.