On July 15, 2020, we are lifting all temporary suspensions of reporting and monitoring requirements.
Alberta Environment and Parks and Alberta Energy have announced that Ministerial Order 17/2020 and Ministerial Order 219/2020 will be repealed on July 15. These ministerial orders temporarily suspended a number of reporting requirements that affected Alberta's energy industry, which was detailed in our Bulletin 2020-10: Relief for Industry During COVID-19 Pandemic Response and on our website, www.aer.ca > Providing Information > News and Resources > News and Announcements > Announcements > 2020 > Industry Relief. We also issued a number of decisions suspending specific monitoring and reporting requirements under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, the Water Act, and Public Lands Act.
Today, we amended these decisions, available through the Industry Relief webpage, to state that all requirements that were suspended for monitoring and activities incidental to monitoring will be in effect as of July 15.
Industry is expected to comply with all existing approval requirements as of July 15; requests for approval amendments and authorizations will follow existing processes.
If you have any questions about this bulletin, contact industry.relief@aer.ca.