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Mineral Core Research Facility
Mineral Core Research Facility
Capital Industrial Park
4504 Eleniak Road (63 Avenue)
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2S1
The AER’s Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) operates the Mineral Core Research Facility, which has an excellent library collection of geoscience information that is available to government agencies, industry, students, and the public. The collection includes more than 150 journals and 25 000 books and documents.
The AGS’s Mineral Core Research Facility also houses more than 58 572 metres of mineral core and 17 000 rock samples primarily extracted from the exposed Canadian Shield in northeastern Alberta. The provincial government collects these samples from companies working under mineral permits, as required by the Metallic and Industrial Minerals Regulations section of the Mines and Minerals Act.
All visitors must have an appointment. To book an appointment, contact Vicki Easthom at (780) 466-1779.
Additional Information
Some information must be held confidential for a period of time before we can release it for publication or examination. In general, we can only share nonconfidential material with the public. However, we may accept a licensee’s letter of release for obtaining confidential material from the Core Research Centre and Data & Information Services.