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N7 Energy Ltd. pleads guilty to charge laid by the AER

CALGARY, AB,  December 14, 2022 – N7 Energy Ltd. pled guilty to a charge laid against them by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) in August 2022. The charge relates to starting activity without prior approval contrary to section 142(1) (h) of the Water Act, which occurred in August 2020 near Swan Hills, Alberta. 

Because of the guilty plea, N7 Energy must pay a $70 000 penalty. Of that amount, $65 000 will go to the AER to fund at least one creative sentencing project, and the remaining $5000 will go to the Provincial Court of Alberta as a fine and a victim fine surcharge payment. 

The creative sentencing project will occur within the Lesser Slave Watershed or the municipal districts of Greenview, Lesser Slave River, or Big Lakes County and must demonstrate benefits to aquatic ecosystems and environments. The AER will publish one or more requests for proposals using established Government of Alberta practices and oversee the creative sentencing project on behalf of the Provincial Court of Alberta.  

For more information, visit the AER Compliance Dashboard.  

About the Alberta Energy Regulator 

The AER ensures the safe, efficient, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of energy resources in Alberta through our regulatory activities. For more information visit