Water Intake Fish Screen Requirements
Water diverted for oil and gas activities is often withdrawn from fish-bearing lakes, rivers, and streams. To prevent fish from being drawn into intake systems, screens must be installed. The specifications of these screens are outlined in the licence conditions. However, recent inspections have found that many screens do not comply with these conditions.
Operators holding Water Act licences should review their licence conditions and must ensure that fish screens are installed where necessary and meet the required standards (such as Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Interim Code of Practice: End-of-pipe Fish Protection Screens for Small Water Intakes in Freshwater; https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/pnw-ppe/codes/screen-ecran-eng.html). Any noncompliance with AER requirements will be addressed in accordance with Manual 013: Compliance and Enforcement Program.
For more information, contact our Customer Contact Centre by phone at 403-297-8311 (1-855-297-8311 toll free) or by email at @email.