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New Statement of Concern Form

(200.91 KB)

Release Date: September 28, 2021

Today we released a new statement of concern (SOC) form. We updated it to make the submission process more user friendly. This new form will help us better understand the concerns of SOC filers and their prior engagement with applicants.

  • SOC filers can now submit the form and supporting documents online, as well as by email or regular mail.
  • The new form is in HTML format and is embedded on the AER website. As a result, the form can be viewed and submitted on various devices (e.g., cell phone, tablet, laptop etc.). 
  • The PDF version of the form has also been updated.
  • We added more detailed instructions to help filers clearly identify each concern and any documentation they wish to include.
  • We have included information about additional resources that support engagement between concerned parties and applicants, such as our alternative dispute resolution program.
  • To enhance the clarity and efficiency of the SOC process, permissions associated with confidentiality and supplemental information are now requested up front, and a mechanism for SOC filers to request permission to file supporting documentation after the SOC filing deadline has been created.

We encourage SOC filers to use the new HTML form, but we will still accept other written formats. See our website for details of what an SOC must contain to be registered ( > Protecting What Matters > Giving Albertans a Voice > Statement of Concern). As required by the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice, SOC filers who submit their SOC in an alternative format must still request permission to file supporting documentation after the SOC filing deadline. Notices of application can be found on our Public Notice of Application webpage ( SOCs must be filed by the deadline given on the public notice of application. 

If you have any questions about the new form, please contact our Customer Contact Centre by phone at 403-297-8311 (1-855-297-8311 toll free) or by email at @email