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Directive 024: Large Facility Liability Management Program

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Release Date: February 24, 2016

Replaces previous edition issued March 31, 2015.
Released with Bulletin 2016-01.

Purpose of this Directive

This directive describes requirements under the Large Facility Liability Management Program (LFP), which applies to historical, current, and future licensed (new or amended) sulphur recovery gas plants, standalone straddle plants, and in situ oil sands central processing facilities with an AER-approved minimum production capacity of 5000 cubic metres per day of bitumen.

The purpose of this program is to prevent the costs to suspend, abandon, remediate, and reclaim a facility in the LFP from being borne by Albertans if a licensee becomes defunct, and to minimize the risk to the Orphan Fund posed by the unfunded liability of facilities in the program.
