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Who We Are

The AER ensures the safe, efficient, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of oil, oil sands, natural gas, and coal resources over their entire life cycleThis includes allocating and conserving water resources, managing public lands, and protecting the environment while providing economic benefits for all Albertans.

Learn more about who we are

Energy Topics



Both oil and gas can be retrieved by drilling. The only resource that we regulate that cannot be retrieved through drilling is coal. Companies must follow a number of steps to drill a well safely and responsibly.

hydraulic fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) is a technique used to break up the rocks deep inside the earth to help get the oil and natural gas flowing. It has been used in more than 180 000 wells in Alberta since the 1950s.

tailings, tailings pond


Here in Alberta, many mines remove oil sands deposits in order to recover bitumen—but oil sands can’t be mined without producing waste products known as tailings. Tailings pose a significant problem to the environment and public safety.

Products and Services Catalogue

Online Products and Services Catalogue

Use our Products and Services Catalogue to find and order AER data, reports, and services.

Information is available in a variety of formats, including electronic, physical, and spatial. Most information can be ordered free of charge. For user convenience, some information is available by subscription.


Check out the Products and Services Catalogue

Activity and Data

products and services catalogue

Core and Drill Cutting Material Sampling

We share core and drilling cutting material samples and data through various sources, including the Alberta Geological Survey, Core Research Centre, and Reservoir Evaluation/Productivity Studies and Geological/Other Studies Index.

in situ performance presentations

In Situ Performance Presentations

Every year, companies with in situ oil sands schemes must submit performance presentations and data to us. Albertans, industry, and other stakeholders can review this information here.

Providing Information

Well Testing Schedules

Companies must test their wells on a regular basis. Learn about our requirements and procedures for submitting oil and gas well test data.

Statistical Reports

Statistical Reports

We publish statistical reports (STs) on a regular basis to showcase and report on industry activity in Alberta. These daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and other reports detail everything from drilling activity to pipeline approvals to provincial energy reserves.