Before 2002, some of our decisions—such as a decision from a prehearing meeting—were called memorandums of decision. Although we continue to conduct prehearing meetings and other types of proceedings, and issue formal decisions, we no longer distinguish between memorandums of decision and other formal decisions.
Find all of our formal decisions on our Publication Notice of Decision page.
Company Name | Application Number | Description | Date | |
M2001-09-12 | Centrica Canada Limited | 1036306, 1041841, 1096871, 1094622, 1094623, 1241902 | Prehearing Meeting Centrica Canada Limited Section 42 Review of Facility Licence F-3643 Ardenode Field (Applications 1036306, 1041841, 1096871, 1094622, 1094623, 1241902) | September 12, 2001 |
M2001-09-06 | Stampede Oils Inc. | 1064455 | Prehearing Meeting Stampede Oils Inc. Section 42 Review of Well Licence No. 0239741 Turner Valley Field (Application 1064455) | September 06, 2001 |
M2001-07-24 | Glacier Power Ltd. | 2000198 | Dunvegan Hydroelectric Project, Glacier Power Ltd. (Application 2000198) | July 24, 2001 |
M2001-06-25 | AES Calgary | 2001113 | Prehearing Meeting AES Calgary ULC (Application 2001113) | June 25, 2001 |
M2000-11-27 | Gulf Canada Resources Limited | 1067422 | Compensation Scheme, Surmont Area (Proceeding 1067422) | November 27, 2000 |
M2000-05-30 | EPCOR Power Development Corporation, EPCOR Generation Inc | 990289, 1055407 | Prehearing Meeting, EPCOR Power Development Corporation and EPCOR Generation Inc, ATCO Pipelines (Application 990289 & 1055407) | May 30, 2000 |
M2000-03-08 | Shell Canada Limited | 1042932 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Shell Canada Limited Application for a Licence for a Level-Four Critical Sour Gas Well (Application 1042932) | March 08, 2000 |
M1999-11-10 | Shell Canada Ltd., Canadian 88 Energy Corporation Ltd. | 1040416, 1040417, 1040418, 1041202, 1044487, 1044489, 1040292, 1045916 | Prehearing Meeting, Shell Canada Ltd. (Application 1040416, 1040417, 1040418, 1041202, 1044487, and 1044489) and Canadian 88 Energy Corporation Ltd. (Application 1040292 and 1045916) | November 10, 1999 |
M1999-09-23 | Cardinal River Coals Ltd. | 960313, 960314 | Prehearing Meeting Cardinal River Coals Ltd. (Cheviot Coal Mine Project) (Application 960313 & 960314) | September 23, 1999 |
M1999-07-29 | Ranger Oil Limited | 1025853, 1025855, 1025857 | Ranger Oil Limited Cold Lake Oil Sands Area Primary Recovery Scheme (Application 1025853, 1025855, & 1025857) | July 29, 1999 |
M1999-07-23 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | 1028372, 1036942, 1036943, 1036947, 1036951, 1036953, 1036954 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited Reduced Well Spacing, Well Licences, Cold Lake Oil Sands Area (Application 1028372, 1036942, 1036943, 1036947, 1036951, 1036953, 1036954) | July 23, 1999 |
M1999-06-21 | Canadian 88 Energy Corp. | 990177 | Pre-Hearing Meeting, Garrington Field, Canadian 88 Energy Corp. (Application 990177) | June 21, 1999 |
M1999-06-09 | 990062, 990063, 990069 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Applications to Review Abandonment Costs Order ACO 99-1, James D. Jacuta, Richard W. Grayston, and Dalton Dupasquier (Application 990062, 990063, 990069) | June 09, 1999 | |
M1999-05-25 | Alberta Ltd. | 980654, 980655 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Applications to Review Abandonment Costs Order ACO 98-1, Greg Justice, 693040 Alberta Ltd., and Marc Dame (Proceeding 980654 & 980655) | May 25, 1999 |
M1999-03-29 | Encal Energy Ltd. | 1030532 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Encal Energy Ltd. (Application 1030532) | March 29, 1999 |
M1997-04-15 | Syncrude Canada Ltd. | 960552 | Prehearing Meeting, Syncrude Canada Ltd. (Proceeding 960552) | April 15, 1997 |
M1997-02-19 | 960952, 960953 | Gas/Bitumen Production Review Terms of Reference (Proceeding 960952 & 960953) | February 19, 1997 | |
M1996-11-27 | Cardinal River Coals Ltd. | 960313, 960314, 960677 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Application by Cardinal River Coals Ltd. and TransAlta Utilities Corporation for the Cheviot Coal Project in the Hinton Area (Application 960313, 960314 & 960677) | November 27, 1996 |
M1996-07-24 | Gibson Petroleum Company Limited | 960354, 960371 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Gibson Petroleum Company Limited (Application 960354 & 960371) | July 24, 1996 |
M1996-07-23 | Peace Pipe Line Ltd. | 960198 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Peace Pipe Line Ltd. (Application 960198) | July 23, 1996 |
M1996-07-17 | Tappit Res Ltd. | 950999, 951102, 960174, 960175, 960176, 960177, 960178, 960279, 960180 | Appls for Well Lics, Temporary Bty and Satellite Production Facs, Pipeline Permit, and Special Drilling Spacing Units and Holding, Armisie Field, Tappit Res Ltd. (Appl 950999, 951102, 960174, 960175, 960176, 960177, 960178, 960279, and 960180) | July 17, 1996 |
M1996-06-27 | Shell Canada Limited | 960230 | Pre-Hearing Meeting Shell Canada Limited (Application 960230) | June 27, 1996 |