Legal Header

The following contact information is for landowners and other Albertans who want to pursue alternative dispute resolution, and for companies submitting applications under the Public Lands Act.

To report an incident, emergency, or contravention, call our Energy and Environmental Emergency 24-Hour Response Line at 1-800-222-6514.

Field Centre Boundary Map
(click to enlarge - PDF)

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) team members are located in our field centres across Alberta. The team has conflict management training, and many of its members hold professional designations in mediation. To access our ADR program, contact @email or call us at 1-855-297-8311 (toll-free).

For more information about ADR, see our EnerFAQs All About Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Contacts for Approvals and Authorizations under the Public Lands Act

Companies seeking disposition operational approvals (DOAs) or temporary field authorizations (TFAs) are to submit their applications to the relevant email address listed here.

  • Oil and gas applications: @email
  • In situ applications: @email
  • Mining applications: @email

Please include the legal land description (and disposition number, if applicable) in the subject line.

General Inquiries

For general questions related to public lands, including the application process for approvals, please contact our Customer Contact Centre.