We publish industry activity lists and other data on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. Users have access to data and other information on oil, gas, oil sands, coalbed methane, and shale gas.
For a comprehensive list of the data and other information we share, visit our Products and Services Catalogue.
Lists and Publications
Active In Situ Scheme Approval Well List
Updated monthly, our Active In Situ Scheme Approval Well List provides an inventory of wells for active in situ schemes, or projects, in Alberta.
Commingling Lists
These lists display current commingling orders and process declarations.
Core and Drill Cutting Material Sampling
This page provides information on how to access core and drilling cutting material samples.
Field Surveillance Incident Inspection List
This page provides incidents and complaints reported to the AER from 1975 to the present.
General Well Data
Updated daily, the report provides basic drilling data for every oil, gas, oil sands, and water well in Alberta, including domestic water wells.
Horizontal Well List
Updated monthly, this list discloses information about horizontal wells across Alberta.
Infrastructures Interscting within Indigenous Areas
Wells, Facilities and Pipelines that intersect with First Nation reserves and Metis Settlement land. Updated monthly.
In Situ Performance Presentations
Every year, operators of in situ oil sands schemes must submit performance presentations and data to us.
Oil Pressure Test File
Updated monthly, it provides a summary of oil pressure data in Alberta from 1999 to the present.
Reference Codes
Energy companies often use reference codes when they submit data to us and interpret data we publish, such as data in our statistical reports.
Thermal In Situ (TIS) Water Publication
Every month, we publish in situ water use information in this publication.
Well Testing Schedules
We list our requirements and procedures for companies to submit their well testing data.