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Systems and Tools

This page lists links to external systems and tools provided by the AER and the Government of Alberta.

Outages and updates

OneStop Outage – Maintenance Release
Posted: January 15, 2025

OneStop will be unavailable on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

We strongly recommend submitting important draft applications and submissions before the outage period, as drafts may not always be retrievable after the outage. 

Following the outage, clear your web browser’s cache to access the latest version of OneStop.

Publication of Decision

Applications upon which a decision has been reached will be displayed. To review applications submitted in the last 30 days, use the Public Notice of Application tool. For other decisions, visit the Decisions webpage.

Scheme Approval Area Map

This map viewer uses an interactive map application to show approval areas in Alberta for active conventional enhanced recovery (ER) schemes, in situ oil sands schemes, and mineable oil sands schemes. Supporting details include approval number, approval-holder name, scheme name (if applicable), scheme type, scheme subtype (if applicable), approval area description (if applicable), and associated field/pool or area/deposit. 

Water Conservation Policy Map

The purpose of this map is to provide this area-based water availability information that is needed for the determination of which tier a Water Act licence application falls under.

Water Use Reporting System (WURS)*

WURS collects and reports information on actual water use by licence holders and aligns with the Water for Life: Alberta’s Strategy for Sustainability.

In order to access WURS, interested parties must have an AEP-Government of Alberta account and ID.

Instruction guides, manuals, and video for the WURS systems are also available online.

WATERS - Temporary Diversion Licence (TDL)*

Before diverting and using surface water and groundwater in Alberta, a licence must be obtained under the province’s Water Act. A temporary diversion licence (TDL) provides authority for this diversion for a maximum of one year.

In order to submit a TDL application using WATERS, interested parties must have an ESRD-Government of Alberta account and ID. Once obtained, TDL applications and any supporting documentation can be readily filed; users can also retrieve historical temporary diversion licence information.

Well Spacing Map

The well spacing map viewer uses an interactive map application to display all approved spacing unit orders since October 2007. These orders are based on decisions made by the AER to increase the number of drainage locations in a specific pool.

Employee remote access

Employee remote access to AER systems. AER credentials will be required.

If you encounter problems with remote access please contact the AER Service Desk.

AER Service Desk hours are:

On-site support: Monday to Friday - 7:00am to 5:00pm
Holidays: There is no support on holidays.

If you need to reset/change your password, please use the Self-Service Password Manager.