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The Core Research Centre holds one of the largest collections of drilling history in the world

Calgary, Alberta - August 27, 2020
Woman with boxes in the background
Christina Dunphy, a well data compliance business analyst with the AER, stands with fresh boxes of core—just some of the 18 468 boxes received annually at the Core Research Centre.

Did you know that the Alberta Energy Regulator’s (AER’s) Core Research Centre (CRC) in Calgary holds one of the largest, most complete drilling histories in the world? Almost two million metres of core and more than 20 million vials of drill cuttings from wells drilled in Alberta are housed at the CRC.

Despite the chaos COVID-19 has caused almost every industry and sector across the world, the CRC has remained open for customers (industry and academia). With protocols in place such as mandatory masks and social distancing, the research facility is ready for, what CRC Manager of Customer Service and Operations Ashley Moisson hopes will be, a busy fall with classes resuming at the nearby University of Calgary.

“We are open daily, and booking anywhere between 5 and 15 tables or cubicles a day,” says Moisson. “But I would love to see more people coming in. We have space to safely accommodate 40 people.”

To give some perspective, in the “before COVID times” of last August, the CRC hosted anywhere between 20 and 60 people a day.

While the CRC isn’t offering public tours at this time, geologists, students, and other rock savvy researchers can make an appointment to work from the CRC by emailing @email.

“No appointment, no entry. As much as we enjoy having people at rock tables, we are serious about keeping everyone, including CRC staff, safe,” explains Moisson.

To learn more, check out our other stories about the CRC’s massive collection:

Cassie Naas, Writer