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AER EnerFAQs respond to queries on energy resource development and how it’s regulated

Alberta - February 19, 2020

If you don’t work in the industry, steering through the complexities of oil and gas development can be like using a GPS device in another language as you drive through the twisty streets of a foreign city. In short, you may not find where you’re going let alone get out of the driveway.

Fortunately, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has resources to help you arrive safely at your destination, among these, its EnerFAQs publications, crafted with the average Albertan in mind.

EnerFAQs (emphasis on the F-A-Q) cover a variety of topics. You can

  • better understand overall oil and gas development on issues such as the oil sands and critical sour wells;
  • learn about the AER and our processes, such as alternative dispute resolution; and
  • find out how to voice concerns about a proposed energy development.

“I always have a stack of EnerFAQ to hand out when meeting with people in communities,” explains Behn Morris, an engagement specialist with the AER. “They are really useful tools for anyone with questions on energy development. They help educate people, and help folks navigate the system.”

For more information, visit our EnerFAQs webpage where you can also print the publications. If you have other questions, our Customer Contact Centre is also open for business.

John Ludwick, Writer