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A pump jack has been painted pink for breast cancer awareness
Fall colours are celebrated all over Alberta—the oranges, yellows, and pinks. Yes, pink. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and one town in northern Alberta has added…
The AER’s mandate can be understood through written word and through the lens of a traditional indigenous oral system.
We tend to think of a mandate as a string of words—a linear idea, maybe one that’s a little vowel-heavy. The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has something like that: our…
The AER, First Nations elders share their journey of understanding
Canada has been inhabited for more than 40 000 years by indigenous peoples, which includes First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people. Canada’s indigenous peoples share many…
The AER unveils a new website that you may actually enjoy using
These days, if you have a question, an answer is almost always one Google search away. If you’re curious about energy development in Alberta, it’s no different—that’s why…
Updated Resource site still telling “stories with energy”
One constant in life is that change is inevitable. Here at Resource, we’ve decided to embrace that inevitability. We’ve updated the Resource website, inspired by feedback we’…