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The Alberta Energy Regulator releases its annual reserves and supply report
How does one predict the future of an entire industry, particularly one that is characteristically unpredictable? The answer can be summed up in a couple of words: science…
Believe it or not, Alberta’s geology hides more than oil and gas riches
Alberta is famous for its cowboys and cowgirls, energy development, and breathtaking Rocky Mountain views. But did you know that there’s a sparkly little secret beneath our…
The Core Research Centre is a unique facility that is much more than a storage space for rocks
Doug Hayden says he has spent the better part of his 30-plus-year career in cubicle number 153 at the Core Research Centre (CRC), noting with pride that “it’s like I just…
In 1902, the Lineham Discovery Well No. 1 became Western Canada’s First Oil Producing Well
When driving along the scenic Akamina Parkway through Waterton Lakes National Park, it’s hard to believe early entrepreneurs struck oil in the rustic valley over a century…
AER vice president awarded for her work in energy
According to Statistics Canada, women “remain less likely to choose a career in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.” Their report helps…