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Stories With Energy

Regulating energy development in Alberta is multifaceted and complex. We are passionate about telling the stories of how our work is done, how far we’ve come, and where we’re going in the future to ensure responsible resource development across the province. This is a selection of a few of these stories – with more to come. 

Recent carbon capture and storage applications have sparked an interest in how the AER regulates CCS
How a creative sentencing decision led to the creation of I-STEAM Pathways.
Were internships and co-op placements in endless supply during the summer of 2020? Not exactly, according to CBC. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting global economic fallout…
The AER’s first resident elder helps Indigenous and non-Indigenous Albertans connect
More than 200,000 Albertans self-identify as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit making our province home to the third largest Indigenous population in Canada.
Safety & Enforcement
AER shares results from 2020 pipeline performance
AER shares results from 2020 pipeline performance
Oil sands operators continue to work towards reclaiming Northern Alberta’s landscape
North of Fort McMurray is home to a variety of oilsands projects that have or are undergoing reclamation efforts including the Crane Lake Natural Trail, Bison Viewpoint,…
AER book discusses parallels between western and indigenous decision-making models
We know indigenous peoples want their voices reflected in our decisions. However, many of our processes fail to link western and indigenous worldviews, and we need to…