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Stories With Energy

Regulating energy development in Alberta is multifaceted and complex. We are passionate about telling the stories of how our work is done, how far we’ve come, and where we’re going in the future to ensure responsible resource development across the province. This is a selection of a few of these stories – with more to come. 

Recent carbon capture and storage applications have sparked an interest in how the AER regulates CCS
Good 2 Know
New requirements for financial assessment will help with liability management
Whether you're talking about the aftermath from a dinner party, or the far more serious nature of oil and gas development, someone has to take responsibility for the…
Safety & Enforcement
The AER’s Field Incident Response Support Team is always ready to support
These are words to live by for the Alberta Energy Regulator's Field Incident Response Support Team (FIRST), a unique team of specialists working within the chaos of…
In the News
SanLing Energy Ltd. has informed the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) that it intends to cease operations as of April 30.
The AER opens public comment period for draft manual
Water is life. It's a sentiment shared across the globe and one that echoes true here in Alberta.
Safety & Enforcement
Education and prevention lay foundation to ensure companies follow the rules
The first step in following the rules is understanding what they mean and how you need to act. This premise is key to how the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) approaches its…