Bulletin 2024-24
BulletinNew and Enhanced Functionality Moving to OneStop
Homebase: Bonnyville
StoryHelping ensure that the land remains safe and beautiful for all Albertans
An AER employee shares her traditions around trapping
Hidden Treasures
StoryUncovering Rare Finds at the AER’s Core Research Centre (CRC)
Recent carbon capture and storage applications have sparked an interest in how the AER regulates CCS
Sometimes the solution to a problem is right in front of you — it just takes a spark to see it.
Prosecution is one option when companies skirt the AER’s rules
How geothermal resources are developed, used, and regulated and the role Albertans had in developing Directive 089
Five things to know about where companies drill for oil and gas
AER staff slog in the muck to collect samples for study