Clearing the Air
StoryPartners respond to report recommendations to improve air quality for residents in Fort McKay

How the AGS went high-tech to upgrade Turtle Mountain’s early warning system

Why We Give a Dam
StoryHow much do you know about the dams used in energy development?

Drilling Deeper
StoryFive things to know about in situ oil sands development

In 1902, the Lineham Discovery Well No. 1 became Western Canada’s First Oil Producing Well

Alberta’s worst-ever well blowout was capped 35 years ago this week

Waste Not, Want Not
StorySpraying drilling waste on fields puts dirt back to the earth from which it came

Video gives the goods on oil sands tailings and how they’re regulated

Keely Cameron explains why taking the Redwater Energy case to the supreme court matters

Inspecting road crossings help protect fish and their ecosystems