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Graphic explains how water is used and conserved in oil and gas development
Like canola fields, cattle, and even our bodies, Alberta’s oil and gas sector needs water to survive. But there’s much more to water than what comes from our kitchen taps.
A new AER video explains the link between hydraulic fracturing and earthquakes
Seismicity, the study of ground movement, has been monitored in Alberta since the mid-1960s. Over the years, the technology used to do it has advanced—so much so that it can…
The AER releases its annual industry water use report
Like aquatic plants, splish-splashy fish, and the human body, Alberta industries rely on water to survive. The oil and gas sector is no exception. It is allocated a portion…
Industry-led program aims to help woodland caribou populations recover
You might've seen them while out on a hike or when flying over heavily wooded areas: long seismic lines or old access roads cut into the forest. In northeast Alberta,…
Spill-response co-op pulls out all the stops when tackling an oil release
If you’ve ever driven past a car dealership, you might recognize this distinct silhouette: an air-filled tube with tentacle hair and run-amok limbs, dancing by the side of…