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Partners respond to report recommendations to improve air quality for residents in Fort McKay
Flying towards Fort McKay over the dense mass of trees, your eye can’t help but follow the curving Athabasca River and dart around complex oil sands operations before getting…
Cleaning spills quicker benefits all concerned, including those responsible
It's rare that a change can benefit everyone, but when it happens, it leaves one wondering why the change took so long in the first place. The creation of the Alberta…
AER report shows how the energy industry uses water
You turn the tap on to cook a pot of spaghetti or run a hot shower, often without thinking about the amount of water you’ve just used. But if you tracked how much water you…
How the AER is helping to protect fish species in Alberta’s foothills
Warm summer days bring smiles to the faces of fishermen eager to cast their flies and lures into Alberta’s many waterways. However, some fish species are being threatened…
AER employee recognized for leadership in water innovation
It goes without saying that water is our most valuable resource. Ask Mike Bevan, an advisor with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), and he would emphatically agree. Bevan…