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A new story mapping tool brings groundwater information to the surface
In April 2021, the AGS released a new and exciting series of story maps identifying and describing the groundwater regions of Alberta. These areas, known as hydrogeological…
How a creative sentencing decision led to the creation of I-STEAM Pathways.
Were internships and co-op placements in endless supply during the summer of 2020? Not exactly, according to CBC. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting global economic fallout…
Oil sands operators continue to work towards reclaiming Northern Alberta’s landscape
North of Fort McMurray is home to a variety of oilsands projects that have or are undergoing reclamation efforts including the Crane Lake Natural Trail, Bison Viewpoint,…
The AER opens public comment period for draft manual
Water is life. It's a sentiment shared across the globe and one that echoes true here in Alberta.
How the AER is supporting methane emissions reduction
Reducing methane emissions is a provincial, national, and global priority, and the AER is doing its part to get the job done. In 2020, the AER updated its methane emissions…