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Step back in time and experience Alberta during its first oil boom at the Turner Valley Gas Plant
Long before Fort McMurray, Turner Valley was the heart of Alberta’s energy development industry. Natural gas was discovered in Turner Valley in 1914, and the Turner Valley…
Taking a look back at Alberta's coal boom in the badlands
During its peak years around 1930 and again later in the mid-1940s, the East Coulee coal mining town near Drumheller in Alberta’s Red Deer River Valley was home to over 3000…
It wasn’t the Royal Tyrrell Museum, but the regulator’s Energeum used exhibits and displays to tell Alberta’s oil and gas story
Perhaps you remember the little museum the regulator used to run. You know, the Energeum?
AER EnerFAQs respond to queries on energy resource development and how it’s regulated
If you don’t work in the industry, steering through the complexities of oil and gas development can be like using a GPS device in another language as you drive through the…
Orphaned, abandoned, reclaimed: understanding how wells are classed
Wells have been on the tip of many Albertans’ tongues as of late. That’s because Alberta has a lot of them—over a century of oil and gas development in the province has given…