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Lexin agrees to cooperate with receivership, director pays $175 000
Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) efforts to resolve legal challenges with Lexin Resources Ltd. have led to the company agreeing to voluntarily include four related corporate…
AER launches industry water-use report to drive performance
You may be surprised to learn that the energy industry used just over two per cent of all water that was allocated across all industries in Alberta last year. Nonetheless,…
Jim Ellis talks tough on industry neglect
Jim Ellis doesn’t mince his words about orphan wells in Alberta. In a Calgary Herald article, the Alberta Energy Regulator’s (AER’s) president and CEO wouldn’t speculate what…
AER fines Murphy Oil for its 2015 pipeline spill near Peace River
The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has fined Murphy Oil Company $172 500 for a 2015 pipeline spill near Peace River. This fine comes after the AER’s investigation into the…
Monday marked the 70th anniversary of historic Leduc well
On a Monday, 70 years ago, an oilfield crew struck black gold in a farm field south of Devon, Alberta. It was a happy accident: the Leduc No. 1 well site was thought to be a…